For our next stop on our field trip we are going to need to take a trip up north to the state of Guanajuato where we will be exploring the capitol city of Gunajuato (yes the capital and the state have the same name). Guanajuato was one of the first areas in all of Mexico to be colonized by the Spanish back in the 1520's, for its very rich silver deposits. To this day, Guanajuato still is one of the richest silver mines in the world. Historically, Guanajuato was the first city where Mexico's battle for independence took place. So as you can see it is rich in history. What makes this city so unique is that it is literally built on top of all these tunnels that run throughout many of it's cities. At one point, the state of Gunajuato was known for building a new tunnel for each one of it's countries presidents, so you can only imagine how many tunnels there are. There are two major places where tourists go when visiting Guanajuato. The "Teatro Juárez" named appropriately after Mexico's most famous president,

Benito Juárez". As you can see it is a magnificent theater which is now over 100 years old.
Another famous stop which tourists love to show their affection on a daily basis is, "El Callejon del Beso" or as it is known in english, "Alley of the Kiss".

There is a reason behind its name. I will give you the short version however. It is basically a tragic love story similar to Romeo and Juliet, except in this case only the young man dies. Before the young man's death on the opposing balcony, he planted a kiss on his lover's hand to show one last time how much he loved her. So that is the sad story of the young lovers.